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Wattsense (~2018 -)

I’ve been at Wattsense since 2018 as a Founding Engineer, then later transitioned to be the CTO for 3 years (2021-2024). Since then, I switched back to be an IC as an Engineering Fellow, helping the different teams get things done and working on our future products.

Kotlin / Python / Rust / Kafka / Spring Boot / MongoDB / AWS / CloudFormation / CDK

bioMérieux (~2016 - ~2018)

Within the data analytics team, I worked on EpiSeq in particular on the genome assembly pipeline and multilocus sequence typing, and data acquisition. I also worked on the deployment and management of HTCondor and Docker on bioMérieux’s on-prem infrastructure.

Python / Scala / AWS / CloudFormation

LumApps (~2014 - ~2016)

Worked on LumWorks, a SaaS Document Management System, that mainly relies on Google Workspaces (at the time, now it supports other cloud providers). My work was mostly FullStack, in a team with 4 amazing people, we’ve re-written the v2 of the product from scratch and migrated the UI that used AngularJs. I also worked on a rule based engine to dynamically update the UI based on the content, the user, or any other workflow step the documents are in.

Python / MongoDB / GCP

Teaching Assistant

During my PhD Thesis, I did the usual T.A. job ^_^

C programming, System Programming (Linux) with C, Fortran, Bash, Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing with Matlab


PhD, High Performance Computing and Applied Mathematics at INP de Toulouse (2010 - 2013)

Phd Student in the “Parallel Algorithms and Optimization Group” at the IRIT-ENSEEIHT labs. Co-created the Augmented Block Cimmino algorithm and implemented a distributed solver for it (Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed Solver, or ABCD Solver for fun ;) )

C++ / Fortran / Python / MPI

Master 2, Computer Science at Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (2010)

Software Engineering Degree at USTHB (2004 - 2009)